Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"I lead a small life. Valuable, but small."

My dear friend, Mariann posted this on her blog and it made me smile, so I had to share. Plus, I figured after my very ranty post yesterday, I owed everyone something sweeter and lighter. :)

Outside my window ~ my office doesn't really have a window, but I can see the window in the break room through its plate glass door. Its bright and clear and looks like a good day to go for a refreshing walk. :)

Around the house ~ I'm not there now...but when I left it, there were a few piles of clothes, some misc. items that need homes (I've been doing some purging and organizing) and dishes in the sink that I'v been avoiding. "Dear Jesus, please let my next home have a dishwasher. Amen."

I am thankful for ~ mercy that is new every morning, God's relentless faithfulness, and Brooke Fraser music to listen to while I work.

Pondering these words ~ "I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also." It was part of my reading yesterday, and I've been trying to make that a reality.

I am remembering~ That I have so much to do at home, but I promised my sister-in-law I'd go walking with her in the evenings. I'm also remembering what the scale said when I went to the doctor yesterday and just how much I need to go walking in the evenings.

Looking forward to ~ Seeing the kiddos on Friday and a toddler photo shoot in the French Quarter this weekend. Yay!

I am noticing ~ that I don't mean "how are you?" as often as I ask it. But I'm always glad when someone assumes I do.

I am thinking ~ about all I have to do when I get home, and all that has to be made right in my life, just how much I really don't want what I have for lunch and how much that really doesn't matter at all.

From the kitchen ~ Haha. I barely cook anymore. So sad. Tonight is going to be some randomly selected Lean Cuisine or a Salad.

I am going ~ to sit here and play on the internet until my lunch is over and then I am going to walk with my SIL and then I am going home to (hopefully) do the chores I've been putting off all week.

I am hoping ~ to move past this grieving thing really quickly and set about making a life for myself...and that it will be one that I LOVE.

One of my favorite things ~ My camera. I love capturing memories, especially for the people I love.

I am reading ~ Nada save scripture and a couple of blogs. I need to start something soon.

I just saw online ~ a bunch of photographers that I envy so much.

A picture (or two, or three. . .) thought to share ~

My brother Brad and the kiddos...I like to spend my Friday evenings with them.

"Homyese". One day, we will make this photo a reality.

My Lisa had her first child this week. It made me so happy!

My newly decorated room. I wish is looked like this right now...and that I was in it.

Forgive me, but I NEED one of these!

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