Monday, November 17, 2008

More Wedding Photography

Several months ago, I travelled to a conference in Louisville, KY with some people from my church. I spent about an entire day there and back on an RV with a bunch of 20-somethings...and I had a blast! One of the highlights of the RV portion of the trip was getting to spend time with  a soon-to-be engaged couple. I spent a few hours talking with them and asking them lots of questions about their walk with the Lord, their families and their relationship. Less than a year later, I had the privilege of assisting their photographer (who is also a church member and soon-to-be married herself!) at their wedding.

It was a beautiful day, from the weather to their joy and sweetness together, to her dad's tear-filled surrender of his baby girl and the smiles on the faces of all of those gathered around to celebrate and rejoice with them. 

Without thinking, I went directly home (stopping only to buy some furniture for my new apartment at at garage sale), edited the pictures and posted some of the good ones on Facebook. After I did so, I thought..well, hmmm this wasn't my wedding, or my family or my "gig". Any number of people could be pretty peeved at me for putting these pictures up...or they could be really delighted. 

So far, "really delighted" has been the general response.


Here are a few pics of the gorgeous couple on their gorgeous day!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Apparently, I am now a photography snob.

My middle brother, Joey, got married a couple of months ago. The wedding was, and fun! The colors she chose were amazing! Her dress...gorgeous! The guests...a hoot! The reception...a blast! And their story...oh their story! It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it!

They've been friends for over a decade. Were roommates while she was in college. Then, one night, they got together for a friendly catch-up dinner and left a couple. There was not a dry eye in the house during the ceremony and not a somber face during the reception. The whole day was beautiful, colorful, and so much fun!

Needless to say, we've been anxiously awaiting the word that the pictures were ready for viewing so we could relive the whole day over again. And, this past week, it happened! My new sister sent me a link to their wedding photographer's website where the digital proofs were being hosted. And...I have to say...I was so disappointed!

There just wasn't anything special. Nothing that, to me, really captured who they are as a couple...or highlighted the gorgeously rich color scheme she chose, or even any unique and fun moment from the reception. In short, there was nothing really that some combination of guest didn't or couldn't have gotten on their own digital cameras.

Sure, the exposure levels were spot-on and the lighting was better thanks to her fancy flash/umbrella stand thing...but the content of the photos was sadly underwhelming. I don't mean to sound overly critical or judgemental...I'm just so disappointed for them. They had this amazing day...and all they have to show their kids are a bunch of so-so shots that cost them a few thousand dollars.

In all honesty, I like these snapshots way better than anything I saw on the professional photographers website...