Thursday, February 15, 2007

Big Enough

I don't wanna box you in
You've been doing big things since the world began
Sometimes I just don't understand that you're big enough
But you're big enough, Jesus

Big things.
They scare me.
I look at them and I look at me and I think, "No way. Not gonna happen. What is now will be tomorrow. Don't even think about things changing. Don't want it. Don't hope for it, you'll only be disappointed."

Nice, huh?

I think "my things" always look big to me, if for no other reason than they are mine. Other's things (which may, in fact be bigger) don't seem as big. For them, I can be full of hope and encouragement and faith. But for my stuff? It's a struggle. Why? I am small and weak. That is truth. I am powerless. But (yay) that realization is not the end of things. It only tells me what I'm thinking about me and that doesn't tell me the whole story, or much of nothin', actually.

So what gives?

Yesterday, I read the story of a young, engaged couple. One currently lies in a hospital bed in a coma. The other, who came to Christ through the friendship of the other, sits at the bedside, praying and hoping for some really big things...things over which she is equally powerless...which are way bigger than mine. When things get hard, this faithful soul asks herself a question her beloved often asked her: "What are you believing about God right now?"

That is a great question!

Things do tend to seem biggest when I am looking at my circumstances through the lens of self. This tends to have a microscopic effect, making small issues seem very large. One upward glance at God, knowing what I know of Him from scripture, has a telescopic effect, making He who is VERY LARGE near enough to see. And my small problems shrink rapidly.

No matter what we look like or think or feel or understand, He IS who He is, who He was, who He's always been. That is more true than anything that goes on in us or around us or happens to us. Living in that is just a matter of what we choose to look on: us/our circumstances through a microscope or God through the telescope of His Word? And, whether we choose to think about what we believe about us or what we know about God.

I don't wanna box you in
You've been doing big things since the world began
Sometimes I just don't understand that you're big enough
But you're big enough, Jesus (From "Big Enough" - Ayiesha Woods)


  1. i love your posts. you are so wise! Thanks for stopping by to catch up on things.

  2. I read that story too on solo femininity blog and it helped my perspective on so much. Thanks for sharing things from your perspective too.
