Sunday, April 30, 2006

From my rear-view mirror...

My nieces and I like to sing in the car. Their favorite songs are those we can make up hand motions to. This particular day, we were singing "Ain't no rock". It goes something like this:

Ain't no rock gonna cry in my place
As long as I'm alive I'll glorify His holy name.
Ain't no rock gonna cry in my place
As long as I'm alive I'll glorify His holy name.

Oh, Praise His Holy Name
As long as I'm alive I'll glorify His holy name.
Praise His Holy Name
As long as I'm alive I'll glorify His holy name.

As you can see, even the baby gets in on the praise part (she can't quite do all the other motions yet...though, as evidenced by the picture to the right, she has lollipop eating down pretty well). It is a blast...and a blessing for me to see tangible proof that the Lord is using me in their lives. A good deal of my prayer time is dedicated to them and all of my worries and fears for their future. Moments like this show me that God's arm is not too short and that He can even use a mess like me to impart His goodness and truth.

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