Wednesday, October 10, 2007

God is not slow...

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you...And count the patience of our Lord as salvation... (2 Peter 3:9, 15)

This passage was like a shot through the darkness last night; a shot in the arm for what has been ailing me, a shot through the very heart. But like spanking a child to break the control and distraction of sinfulness, the pain led way to clarity. I saw my circumstances through the light of God's word, not the haze of my disappointment and sin.

It was an epiphany, to say the least.

The details of my personal circumstances and disappointments, or yours, are not important. The truth is unconditional and universal. Whatever it is, God is not slow to fulfill His promises, He is being patient with us. And His patience is our salvation. His "delay" is saving us from harm, and whatever we feel we are suffering or losing, it is nothing compared to what we would be if God were as hasty as we would like.

He is good and does good...always. This is certain. He means to prosper us and not harm us. This is true. He is not slow, but patient. This is our salvation.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It's been too long since we talked. :(

    That is a great word...I think I will print it and share it with my parents. They are still not in their house and are both really discouraged by all of the waiting.

    Take care and have a great weekend!
