Wednesday, June 28, 2006 - Part V - Knowing the Word and Doing the Will of God

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 1For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:11-12)

The order of the Christian's assignment is: hear, do, know. If we hear the commandments and obey them, the Father will make Himself known to us. It is no use trying to know Him without doing what He says. ... "If you really love me you will keep the commandments I have given you." ... The only valid test of love is obedience. ... "The man who has received my commands and obeys them--he it is who loves me: and he who loves me will be loved by my Father; and I will love him and disclose myself to him" (Jn 14:21). There is the order: hear, do, know
.(Elisabeth Elliot)

Since my last post, my poor, feeble mind was in a quandry. It seemed I had a group of people in my head, each strenuously arguing their points. One was practical. She laid out the facts...the bare, unvarnished, unanalyzed, uninterpolated data. Another attempted to interpret the data in an extremely positive, encouraging light. A third interpreted the data in a more pessimistic way, preparing me (she justified) for the worst so that the shock of the actual outcome (which would very likely be bad, of course) wouldn't kill me. Then there was the screamer. She spent her time screaming out all of the most horrible things I have ever thought, or thought others thought, about me. She didn't listen to the reason or skepticism or the facts...her mission was to let me know just how horrible and fat and unworthy and snivelling I was and that nothing good would ever happen for me. Her's was the voice that was the loudest and most unrelenting. Then, thankfully, there was a softer, quieter voice, which said "no good thing does He are fearfully and wonderfully made...I know the plans I have for you...the lines are drawn for me in pleasant places...ask and it shall be given to you...he ever lives to make intercession for us...while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

In the end, the fact lady, the pessimist, the screamer and the dreamer wore themselves out and all that remained was this quiet, more persistant voice of truth.

All through the debate, what my heart really wanted to know and understand was the will of God.

I couldn't see it. I laid all the facts, the whys and why nots, and my feelings out on the proverbial table and still I was at a loss. What was the Lord trying to do?

I had no idea.

I was seeing through the dark glass...seeing only part of the picture. The Lord wasn't showing me the rest. So, my only choice was to focus on what He has shown, what He has said, and walk in that until He chose to show more or speak more specifically.

This was God's will for that moment. My choice was either to continue the mental debate and emotional gymnastics or walk in what He had shown WITHOUT knowing where that was going to lead me, circumstantially.

That is the choice each of us have to make each day. Do we walk with the Lord, though we often do so in darkness...and trust that He is leading and guiding? Or, do we insist on a road map before we consent to obey? Are we willing to do what has been revealed and leave what hasn't where it the unknown?

I titled this post "Knowing the Word and Doing the Will of God" because that is what it boils down to...that is what allows us to make the right choice - God's word. As we read, as we mediate, as we walk in His truth, we are changed. The word becomes the signposts which turn us here and there on our way. They affect the thoughts of our minds and the meditations of our hearts and our choices reflect those changes...reflect His truth. We find ourselves doing God's will step by revealed step.

I think all of humanity would like the priviledge of seeing the map of their life. We like to know and prepare...and prevent some things, if possible. We want to be certain things are going to turn out the way we want them to...or at least turn out in a way that will not be disappointing. But that is not faith, and ultimately, faith is what pleases God.

Faith...without a road map. Faith without a preview. Faith without a guarantee that our plans will prevail.

Faith in God's God's God's goodness and His lovingkindness.

This is how we know and do His will. We hear His word, we do it, and we know that He is God. That He is more than able. That He is trustworthy. And that He truly is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all we can ask or think. This God who spoke the world into existance, who preserved Noah and His family, who parted the Red Sea, who provided a redeemer for a poor, widowed Moabitess and allowed her to be a part of the lineage of the Messiah, and who gave His son to die for us sinners is right now interceding for us, moving and working and preparing a future for us.

May we never quibble or fret over circumstances or what our common sense tells us. Let us hold fast to these truths, fix our eyes on our God, and believe that He will indeed work all things together for our good and His glory.

1 comment:

  1. I think all of humanity would like the priviledge of seeing the map of their life. We like to know and prepare...and prevent some things, if possible. We want to be certain things are going to turn out the way we want them to...or at least turn out in a way that will not be disappointing. But that is not faith, and ultimately, faith is what pleases God. true. How many situations in my life would I have avoided in fear - not realizing that even in those times of pain God had a strengthen help me grow?
