Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Miss Nin & Ti Ti's Excellent Adventure...Day 4

Miss Nin and Ti Ti began Day 4 just as they had every other morning: on the back patio, in November, not losing toes.

Good times.

Then, the pair began getting ready for church.

Ti Ti was very excited about being in church with Miss Nin. So much so, she had to take a photo to commemorate the event.

Ti Ti was so overcome with God's kindness in 1) giving her a friend like Miss Nin and 2) allowing said friend to travel so far just to visit with her, that she cried through the entire singing time.

Again...Ti Ti is a big ninny.

At church, Miss Nin got to meet some of Ti Ti's friends, including Matt (her worship pastor), Regina, Inge, and Wendy. She did  not get to meet Lisa. This made Ti Ti sad.

But, she got better.

After church, Miss Nin wanted to go see some of the remaining damage from Hurricane Katrina. So, Ti Ti drove around and pointed things out while Miss Nin took photos. Driving through those areas made an already overcast day seem gloomier and darker.

Next, Ti Ti took Miss Nin to her favorite spot for photos: an abandoned Mechanic's Shop in City Park. It looks like a crack house (and probably is), but Ti Ti loves it and thinks it makes for amazing photos. She even said she wanted to marry the building and have its little building babies.

Ti Ti is kind of weird.

But, she's right about the building making for amazing photos...

Having a beautiful subject helps, too.

Ti Ti could have taken photos of Miss Nin all day, but she promised her friend a trip to the Mall and some live jazz, so they needed to cut the photo shoot short.

After a quick stop at Ti Ti's parents for lunch and a few minutes of the Saint's game...

the pair headed to one of Miss Nin's favorite stores: Macy's.

And, there was much rejoicing...by Miss Nin....not by Ti Ti. She wasn't really a fan of shopping. But, she was a fan of Miss Nin, so she was going to suck it up and miss the Saint's game so her friend could indulge in some retail therapy.

For Ti Ti, the silliness in a photo booth more than made up for having to go shopping, for nothing in particular, on purpose.

Miss Nin shopped and shopped and shopped some more.

And, there was much rejoicing...by Ti Ti...when it was time to head home.

But, their adventure was not over. Oh, no. Ti Ti promised Miss Nin some live jazz and she was determined to deliver. So, they headed to the quarter and walked and walked and turned around and walk back the way they came until they found a band getting ready to begin their set.

and, there was much rejoicing...

There was also alligator meat. Miss Nin said it "tastes like chicken", but Ti Ti knew it was alligator, so what it tasted like really didn't matter.

Next, Miss Nin made a list of all the words she and Ti Ti say differently, words like: Necklace (neck lace/neck less), asking (asking/axing), cement (ceh ment/ceement), pecan (pee can/peh cawn), pralines (pray leens/prah leens), Mario (Mare ee o/Mah ree o), garbage (gar behge/gor behge) and about (a boat/a bout).

Miss Nin is in denial about how she says about...but, Ti Ti loves her anyway.

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